

Successfully sign the contract with Zhejiang Huazhang on Hunan Jinye's project

Edit Date:2023-03
On August 18, 2022, our company and Zhejiang Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd. formally signed the technical agreement and business contract of the Joint Workshop Equipment of Hunan Jinye Off-site Technical Transformation Project. After the contract comes into effect, we would provide a complete set of ventilation and drying professional equipment, including tobacco slice drying equipment within 8 months, and cooperate with Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd. to complete the general contract project of relocation and technical transformation of Hunan Jinye.

The successful signing of this project marks that our innovative scientific research achievements in the field of ventilation and drying are highly recognized by the tobacco industry. It is also a review of the innovative development of the company in the past five years since its establishment. What is more, it's a huge reward for the company's team's sincere unity and commitment to innovation!
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